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Education, creative workshops & retreats.

From the place of ALOHA - from heart.

In Hawai´ian indigenous culture Aloha means: love, compassion, affection, peace & mercy and ”my breath goes with your breath”. And would be similar to the deeper meaning of other common salutations as Namasté, shalom, adieu
( Mattew B James, MP, Phd, the foundation of Huna).

Through education by Movement to ART is the wish to share educationforms from a place of heart, to deepen into the essence of nature and the human essence. In that way be able to follow yourself and others. There is always a begining and the end is found in the beginning.


MovementArt-Nature & I-Quest for love. One days retreat where you have the possibility to focus on you, what you need now-to give yourself what you need. The group is a mirror back to you. Exercises during the day is in support of nature. Movement of body-guided exercises but also your own exploration of how you like to move. The movementpractice can come from various dancecultures, yoga positions, eurythmy and mantrans. Colourawareness, tones, simple exercises of painting something or writing to show you where you are now or want to go, relaxation, meditation and crystal singingbowls and other simple instrument.

You can look under courses for one day reteats. We can also custom make for you. You can choose certain features that you want to focus on for example relaxation, meditation and crystal singingbowls and not do the dance and painting. Like you wish.

You can read under MovementArt to know more. The art part is a mixture of art in various ways.