Embrace your day!
Time for reflection and see what’s important to you!
Sept. 21. We welcome autumn and abundance!
Oct. 12. Autumn’s enriching colour tones in nature – Which tones are your strength?
Nov. 16. Glittering November. When we strip away the non-essentials, what is left?
Dec. 14. The stillness shines and what do the lights in your mind tell us?Saturdays 13.30-16.30
-A moment to let yourself be led by your pulse and rhythm, with simple body movements and guidance to flow through the body, to activate, to get to your essence-
and let go of what doesn’t serve you.
Guided movement and personal time for your own exploration in motion.
The voice is the dance and the dance is the voice and supports us in standing in ourselves and following our rhythm.
Get to know your energy field, how it affects you, how you hold your energy and what happens when you lose energy, etc
This affects our health.
We start from a map that follows the native american dance ceremony and the belief that we are whole people in a universe and the creative power has all possible access to via the sound stream that lives through everything, soundcurrent.
The map is as follows: Dance with you solo grounding. Dance in relation to. Dance your way in relation to the community-comune with. The dance to unity is wholeness.
Also elements of Eutytmi where tones-music, and sound gestures are a field where responsiveness, flow, attention 0ch coloru
MovementArt-MovementArt- Embrace. Color, motion, sound & tones; medium to touch and connect, soften, balance and harmonize. Joy & health!
For those who want, we finish by drawing a picture or writing something as inspiration. Rest, integration & playing of
crystal bowls. Everyone does what feels good.
Some recorded music is included for movement and crystal bowls.
10 participants are invited to these occasions.
Booking and questions for Kerstin: info@movementtoart.se, 0709242589.
Place: Ester Adèle Yoga Studio, St Paulsgatan 22, Södermalm.
Saturdays 1.30-4.30 pm.
Sept. 21. We welcome autumn and abundance!
Oct. 12. Autumn’s enriching colour tones in nature – Which tones are your strength?
Nov. 16. Glittering November. When we strip away the non-essentials, what is left?
Dec. 14. The stillness shines and what do the lights in your mind tell us?
Basic themes during the autumn that everyone can take part in in their own way!
Book for Movement to ART, Kerstin: info@movementtoart.se.
520 SEK for workshop and raw food snack included.
Leader: Kerstin Åkesson, certified Sound & Movement Integration Hawai ́i, 4 year diploma and apprentice. Kerstin is also an artist and
MovementArt teacher for children, young people. Eurythmy teacher.
Energy treatments with crystal singingbowls.
Counselling and image. 1 year old Dipl. marketing.